Archive for the ‘ Art & Design ’ Category

Hyperrealistic Animals Created by Painting on Layers of Resin


I saw this and it blew my mind…

Even when you get your head around how Keng Lye produces these intricate works of art, you’ll still wonder how he does it…

Full story and more example at  My Modern Met


EnergyFlow iPad App


This one has nothing to do with me, but if you’re a fan of beautiful visuals then it’s worth a look…

Each time you start the app you spin a top which generates a random number which determines the choice and sequence of some lovely rendered video clips.

EnergyFlow_0001_Layer 18

Pretentious and arty farty? Maybe but it’s free and you can’t argue with that – so give it go… what have you got to lose?

Get the app here or find out more on their website Continue reading

Numbers in Graphic Design

I’ve just received my copy of Numbers in Graphic Design by Roger Fawcett-Tang.


It’s a stunningly in-depth look at, well, numbers in graphic design (the title gives it away really…). I found out about the project when Roger was kind enough to get in contact to ask permission to use some of my designs in the chapter on Clock Apps.


Highly recommended for anybody with an interest in, you guessed it, numbers or graphic design. It’s published by Laurence King and available from Amazon if you’re interested in getting a copy of your own…

Recent Peer 1 work

Just a quick update to showcase a few of recent projects I’ve been working on for Peer1 hosting, the UK’s fastest grown hosting company.

An A4 ad for a games expo brochure

Cover for a brochure for an e-commerce brochure

Design for office window graphics

Design for office window graphics

As a massive hosting company, they have their fingers in lots of pies so provide opportunities for all types of work – a great client to have and lovely people to work with… If you have any hosting needs, you should check them out.




Andy Blackford Communications

I’d just like take a moment to tell you about a site I’ve just designed for Andy Blackford Communications. Andy is a gifted writer (and all-round fascinating bloke) that I’ve had the pleasure of working with on a number of projects, so I was delighted to be involved.

Training the makers and buyers of creative work.

The focus of the new site is on a series of short training courses that Andy has crafted to improve the performance of those who create marketing communications, and to sharpen the judgement of those who buy them.

I’d also recommend that you sign-up for Andy’s newsletter and get a free copy of his excellent book, The Hatchback of Votre Dame, a witty and often controversial look at marketing communications.

Built entirely in WordPress the site uses a bold but simple design and a striking black, grey and gold colour scheme. Why not take a quick look – for readers of a certain age that fact that Andy was the man behind the Umbongo commercials (included on the site) will be all you need to know…

Ecommerce Futures Conference print material

The Ecommerce Futures Conference is happening today at the British Library but if you can’t make it here’s a quick look at some of the event material that I designed…

Anamorphic Illusions by Felice Varini

Felice Varini creates these awesome Anamorphic Illusions – basically images in 3D space that only look ‘right’ when you view them from the perfect angle.

I can’t even begin to work out how he does it. Plenty more examples and details over at InspirationFeed

iPad app Icons – The Portrait Photography of Curtis Knapp

Late last year I was lucky enough to be asked to design an iPad app collecting the work of Curtis Knapp.

Although the name sounded familiar, I couldn’t place him until I saw the images – then I realised that, as a music fan, I’d been familiar with his work for years. There’s a fantastic selection of music and movie icons on display here including Madonna, Andy Warhol, REM, Slash, Debbie Harry and many, many more. Continue reading

Yantouch Jellyfish LED lamp

The Yantouch Jellyfish LED lamp is my favourite LED colour changing light.

It’s a wonderful touch-sensitive multicoloured dome that would make a great Christmas gift. The company makes a whole load of interesting/weird light related gadgets – check out their site when you have a spare moment (it is unfortunately in Flash though…)